Your starting account balance is worth $500 cash only which makes this challenge rated by me as hard. Actually, you need to earn cash worth of $10000 before you can buy that required one cow on your objective list. Anyway, most of the structures that you will need are already been setup.
Spice Street 1
Smokehouse and Meat Packing Plant
Buy One (1) Cow
200 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +300 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (4:30) four minutes and thirty seconds of time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +200 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (6:00) six minutes period of your time.


Don’t you think that chickens can’t produce huge amount of cash?
If you are then you are wrong. You can also accumulate a large sum of cash from them but you have to deal with a lot of chickens on your farm. The trick on this challenge is to utilize your factories by always sending five eggs into them.
The first factory that your chicken’s raw eggs are to be processed is the Powder Building. Don’t click on this structure unless that you have a total of five or more eggs on your storage warehouse. If you are to not patient enough to send less than five eggs then you are simply losing your time. Take note that the time spent on processing one egg is the same as processing five eggs. The same applies on the other factories of this game.
As you manage to make some powdered eggs, turn them into buns then into cakes. Another important thing to take note is that you need to order flour from the market which is a required ingredient in making cakes.
Finally, keep on selling your cakes and perhaps some extra eggs until you are able to earn $10000 cash to buy your cow.
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