17 Complete List of Gags

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Through playing Farm Frenzy 2 game, you will notice that some of your animals are performing weird actions. These are called ‘Gags’ and you can collect them by clicking on the animal that does the act. By collecting every gag that occurs as you play, you will be rewarded with the ‘For Finding Every Gag’ trophy.

According to some players, they claim that there are a total of 17 gags to collect but actually, there are only 15 of them all. Collecting every gag may also take some time since they completely appear at random occurrences. This means that they may not show up on the same levels again.

Gags can also be shown for the second time or more repeatedly even if you have already clicked on it from before. Anyway, you can distinguish it if you have already viewed the gag from before with the red check mark so there’s no need to click again.

The List of Gags

Gags from the animals that has been purchased

1. Hen who knitted.
2. Piglet playing the violin.
3. Cow skipping rope.
4. Ostrich that starts hopping.

Gags that appear out from the game’s main screen

5. Polar Bear with the telescope at the Well.
6. Polar Bear which is well above the Tarzan type.
7. Bear with white flowers that seem to swim on the right of the screen.
8. Cat dribbles a ball colored brown bear coming out of a sort of gutter with military helmet.

Other Gags

9. Hen on the right side of the screen.
10. Cow smiles at the center of the screen.
11. A cat chasing a pig at the bottom of the screen.
12. A Panda munching a bamboo at the bottom of the screen.
13. An Ostrich jumping in the middle of your screen.
14. A Chicken that chases a Cat while knitting and passes through the screen.

Gags that are the same

15. A Cat with the yoyo.
16. A Hen that shakes and wipes his beak.

If your goal is to complete all the gags, then their chances of appearing from your screen increases as you get to play the game for a longer period of time. Other players claim that reloading the game can also cause the gags to appear more often. Most importantly, you have to click them as they appear before the action ends.

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