Crossroads 8
Collect two (2) Feathered Carnival Suits
Earn $100,000 Cash
6000 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +9000 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (3:10) three minutes and ten seconds of your time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +6000 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (5:00) five minutes period of your time.


Since you have a total of $69 000 cash as your starting capital, you can immediately buy your farm five (5) cows. It’s this type of animal where you will be earning most of your profit on this particular challenge. Just like the previous Fan Street levels, you are to collect their bottles of milks by set of five before sending them into your Separator factory.
When your Separator factory has processed your cow’s milks, they are turned into Sour Cream which is needed to produce butters from your Butter Mill factory. From Sour Cream into butter, send it into your Cheese factory along with the required ingredient (leavens) to make some cheeses. You may now sell the final processed product for higher amount of profit.
Repeat the whole process of processing your cow’s milk turning them into cheeses before selling into the market. In just a few minutes, you will acquire enough cash to buy you an Ostrich and setup your Atelier factory.
Your Ostrich will be dropping down its feathers. You need to collect it then immediately process it on your Fan factory. The next step is to send your plane to buy you a plain hat from the market then along with your fan, make a feathered hat from your Hat factory. Finally, send your plane once again to buy you a cloth where you have to use it along with your feathered hat to make you a Feathered Carnival Suit from your Atelier. Make two of this item to complete this level of the game.
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