On this Product Street 7 challenge, you will be given five (5) chickens and four dogs on your farm. The reason why you have four dogs is that there are a number of bears who will be continuously attacking your farm. You won’t be able to hold them back without the help from your dogs. However, if you have not upgraded the skill of your dog from your shop then they will be performing to the level where you might get disappoint. Thus, I would suggest that you visit your shop and spend some of your extra stars on your dog’s skill.
Product Street 7
Collect One (1) Cake
Collect One (1) Packed Bacon
200 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +300 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (2:30) two minutes and thirty seconds of your time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +200 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (4:00) four minutes period of your time.
Your goal would be to produce at least one cake and one packed bacon. This will make you realize that you need chickens and pigs on your farm but currently you have zero account balance. There won’t be any problem about the chicken because you already have five of them from the start. The problem is about buying a pig which is worth $1000 cash.
Since the attacking bears are so annoying, there are high chances that most of your chickens will be kicked out from your farm. Anyway, capture them and collect their meat then sell them to the market which will make you some extra profit.
Keep catching the bears and you might want to consider upgrading your storage warehouse and truck for faster disposal of these trouble makers. Soon, you will be able to earn $1000 cash which allows you to buy a pig. When you already have a pig on your farm, put all your attention trying to protect it at all cost until it drops one of its meat.
I assumed that you already know how to make cakes and packed bacons the reason why I have not included them on this walkthrough.
Product Street 7
Collect One (1) Cake
Collect One (1) Packed Bacon
200 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +300 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (2:30) two minutes and thirty seconds of your time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +200 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (4:00) four minutes period of your time.


Your goal would be to produce at least one cake and one packed bacon. This will make you realize that you need chickens and pigs on your farm but currently you have zero account balance. There won’t be any problem about the chicken because you already have five of them from the start. The problem is about buying a pig which is worth $1000 cash.
Since the attacking bears are so annoying, there are high chances that most of your chickens will be kicked out from your farm. Anyway, capture them and collect their meat then sell them to the market which will make you some extra profit.
Keep catching the bears and you might want to consider upgrading your storage warehouse and truck for faster disposal of these trouble makers. Soon, you will be able to earn $1000 cash which allows you to buy a pig. When you already have a pig on your farm, put all your attention trying to protect it at all cost until it drops one of its meat.
I assumed that you already know how to make cakes and packed bacons the reason why I have not included them on this walkthrough.
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