Ten thousand dollar ($10000) cash is your starting capital on this Butter Street 5 challenge. You primary objective would be to produce one Cheese and one Packed Bacons. You can easily achieve this goal because the structures that you need to produce these particular types of products had already been setup. On the right corner of your farm are the Separator, Butter Mill and Cheese factories. While on the left side are your Meat Cutter, Smokehouse and Meat Packing Plant.
Butter Street 5
Collect one (1) Cheese
Collect one (1) Packed Bacon
500 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +200 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (1:50) one minute and fifty seconds period of your time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +100 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (3:00) three minutes of your time.
This challenge is all about beating the time. Look at the time required to beat either the gold and silver trophy reward. It’s quite to short where the trick lies on how quick you are.
After hitting the start button, I want you to immediately buy one pig. This leaves you with $9,000 cash account balance. As you play the game, there are a lot of bears that will attack your farm. Capture them with your cages and store on your warehouse to be sold for profit on the market.
When your pig drops its first raw meat, pick it up and send it into your Meat Cutter factory. This time you no longer need you pig so you have to sell it along with the bears that you have captured. I presume that you already know the rest of the task on how to process the packed bacons.
Through selling those bears and your pig into the market, you will be able to earn back that $1000 cash that you have previously spent. If you now have $10000 cash then immediately buy a cow and wait for its bottle of milk to be dropped on the ground. Process it into your Separator then into your Butter Mill to produce butter but at the same time you should send your plane to buy you a leaven which is a required ingredient in producing a cheese. When you now have butter and leaven on your storage warehouse, click on your Cheese factory to make the cheese you need.
Butter Street 5
Collect one (1) Cheese
Collect one (1) Packed Bacon
500 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +200 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (1:50) one minute and fifty seconds period of your time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +100 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (3:00) three minutes of your time.


This challenge is all about beating the time. Look at the time required to beat either the gold and silver trophy reward. It’s quite to short where the trick lies on how quick you are.
After hitting the start button, I want you to immediately buy one pig. This leaves you with $9,000 cash account balance. As you play the game, there are a lot of bears that will attack your farm. Capture them with your cages and store on your warehouse to be sold for profit on the market.
When your pig drops its first raw meat, pick it up and send it into your Meat Cutter factory. This time you no longer need you pig so you have to sell it along with the bears that you have captured. I presume that you already know the rest of the task on how to process the packed bacons.
Through selling those bears and your pig into the market, you will be able to earn back that $1000 cash that you have previously spent. If you now have $10000 cash then immediately buy a cow and wait for its bottle of milk to be dropped on the ground. Process it into your Separator then into your Butter Mill to produce butter but at the same time you should send your plane to buy you a leaven which is a required ingredient in producing a cheese. When you now have butter and leaven on your storage warehouse, click on your Cheese factory to make the cheese you need.
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