We have been previously upgrading our factories that cater to the production of Sour Cream, Butter and Cheese. This time you are to upgrade your Cheese factory for the fourth time achieving a level of four (4). By upgrading your Cheese factory into its fourth level, you can now process 4 butters and leavens to produce 4 cakes in return.
Cheese Street 3
Level 4 Cheese Factory
Collect five (5) Cakes
Collect five (5) Packed Bacons
Collect twenty-two (22) Cheeses
7500 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +12500 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (5:30) five minutes and thirty seconds period of your time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +7500 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (8:40) eight minutes and forty seconds of your time.
First of all, I want to congratulate you for reaching this high level of Farm Frenzy 2 game. The Ostrich on your farm indicates that you are about to complete the game where there only few more challenges that remains ahead.
To start on this challenge, you need cash since your initial account balance is worth $0. Your profit will be generated by your one and only Ostrich on your farm by collecting its feather and selling it to the market place. The price of the feather is worth $7000 cash which is the most expensive raw product of Farm Frenzy 2.
As you manage to sell just one Ostrich’s feather, buy five (5) chickens and collect five eggs from them. It may take some time before they start laying their eggs which provides you the opportunity to sell the next succeeding feathers dropped by your Ostrich. Use the money that you earn by building your Powder factory, Bakery and Confectionery. You may also upgrade them depending on the amount of cash that you currently have. Going back to the chicken, you may sell them back to the market when you are able to collect your first five eggs.
When done making your five cakes, demolish those factories that you previously setup replacing them with Meat Cutter, Smokehouse and Meat Packing Plant. You should also buy at least five pigs at the same time to let you start producing packed bacons.
Finally, the last type of animal that you need to buy is cow. Through your pig products and Ostrich’s feather, earning $10000 cash is achievable in just a short period of time. Buy at least three or four cows to produce the required number of cheeses on your objective list.
Cheese Street 3
Level 4 Cheese Factory
Collect five (5) Cakes
Collect five (5) Packed Bacons
Collect twenty-two (22) Cheeses
7500 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +12500 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (5:30) five minutes and thirty seconds period of your time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +7500 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (8:40) eight minutes and forty seconds of your time.


First of all, I want to congratulate you for reaching this high level of Farm Frenzy 2 game. The Ostrich on your farm indicates that you are about to complete the game where there only few more challenges that remains ahead.
To start on this challenge, you need cash since your initial account balance is worth $0. Your profit will be generated by your one and only Ostrich on your farm by collecting its feather and selling it to the market place. The price of the feather is worth $7000 cash which is the most expensive raw product of Farm Frenzy 2.
As you manage to sell just one Ostrich’s feather, buy five (5) chickens and collect five eggs from them. It may take some time before they start laying their eggs which provides you the opportunity to sell the next succeeding feathers dropped by your Ostrich. Use the money that you earn by building your Powder factory, Bakery and Confectionery. You may also upgrade them depending on the amount of cash that you currently have. Going back to the chicken, you may sell them back to the market when you are able to collect your first five eggs.
When done making your five cakes, demolish those factories that you previously setup replacing them with Meat Cutter, Smokehouse and Meat Packing Plant. You should also buy at least five pigs at the same time to let you start producing packed bacons.
Finally, the last type of animal that you need to buy is cow. Through your pig products and Ostrich’s feather, earning $10000 cash is achievable in just a short period of time. Buy at least three or four cows to produce the required number of cheeses on your objective list.
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