There are three different factories that has already been setup which are the Powder Building, Bakery and Meat Cutter. Notice that the Meat Cutter has the Cake factory icon near it. This means that you can build the Cake factory replacing the Meat Cutter.
Pork Street 2
One (1) Tenderloin
Five (5) Cakes
50 Stars
Golden Trophy with +100 Star Bonus: Complete the challenge in less than 2:50 minutes
Silver Trophy with +50 Star Bonus: Complete the challenge in less than 4:00 minutes


It’s a pity that you have to start with a zero account balance but don’t worry because you can make enough amount of money by selling your cow’s milk. Each milk product will earn you $1000 cash when sold to the market but it takes a lot of slots on your storage warehouse. Bears will also attack from time to time and you can capture them for additional profit.
Taking a look at your objective, those products can only be produced by Pigs and Chickens. Thus, buy just one pig and four (4) chickens.
As your pig drops its first meat, send it to the Meat Cutter to produce Tenderloin. For the chickens, the eggs need to be processed on the Powder building to produce Powdered Eggs. These products are then sent to the bakery to turn them into buns. Finally, buy flours to be combined with the buns to produce cakes from the cake factory.
This is an easy challenge but it requires quick action to beat the time required especially when you intend to achieve the golden trophy. Anyway, you can always make unlimited number of retries.
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