Packing Lane 1
Earn $10,000 Cash
200 Stars
Golden Trophy reward with +200 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (2:00) two minutes.
Silver Trophy reward with +100 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (4:00) four minutes.


As the start, you don’t have any cash on your account. Thus, you will be relying on your cow’s bottle of milk and your pig’s meat to earn your starting cash. Your cow’s bottle of milk brings the most cash as your profit when sold to the market. It is worth $1,000 cash which is good enough to setup all first level of your chicken egg factories which are the Powder Building, Bakery and Confectionery.
Keep selling the raw product of your Pig and Cow to the market. Soon enough, you will be able to buy an additional pig on your farm. Buy at least four pigs and four chickens which are already good enough to provide you a constant supply of raw products to be processed on your factories.
Each time that you manage to earn the required amount to setup a first level of structure, you have to build them right away. Currently, you will be dealing with the Meat Cutter and Smokehouse factories. The Meat Cutter factory is worth $1,500 while the Smokehouse cost $2,000 cash.
All completely processed products and extra raw products of your animals are to be sold to the market until you are able to earn the required $10,000 cash which completes this particular level of the game.
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