The game provides you with a total starting cash worth of $500 and you have to beat the challenge either in less than 3:20 or 5:00 minutes to receive your rewards.
Cake Street 2
Level Goals:
Thirty (30) Buns
Four (4) Cakes
Two (2) Tenderloin
100 Star Bonuses
Golden Trophy with +200 Star Bonuses: Complete the level in less than 3:20 minutes
Silver Trophy with +100 Star Bonuses: Complete the level in less than 5:00 minutes


Thank that game for giving you one pig on your farm so you have to protect it at all cost from any of the attacking bears. For the mean time, you have to sell every meat it produces for profit to be earned for constructing your meat cutter and cake factory.
Buy five (5) additional chickens on your farm to hasten the production of your eggs and to meet one of your objectives of collecting a total of thirty (30) buns which is a lot of products to be produced.
Through selling your pig’s meat, trapped bears and some of your processed buns, you can gain profit. Use your first $400 cash to setup your cake factory to produce at least two cakes. Take note, you need to order two flours from your plane before you can manufacture this type of particular product.
As you manage to produce cakes, you can sell them as well for additional profit. Earning at least $1500 cash will enable you to construct the meat cutter factory. Send at least two of your pig’s meat to produce Tenderloin and perhaps to complete the challenge.
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