A third structures needs to be constructed and this is the Cake Factory. This building allows you to produce cakes from buns.
Cake Street 1
Level Goals:
Four (4) Chickens
Two (2) Cakes
Twenty (20) Buns
Golden Trophy with +600 Bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than 3:00 minutes
Silver Trophy with +400 Bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than 4:00 minutes


You only have one chicken running around your farm and it is not good enough to complete your objectives. Thus, you have to buy three more additional chickens completing one of your objectives from the list.
After buying three chickens, you now have an empty balance but don’t worry because you can make some cash by catching every attacking bears and selling their meat for profit. You can use this cash to buy water from your well and grow grasses for your chickens to feed.
Keep collecting your chicken’s egg and process two or four at a time (depending on the level of your factory) from your Powder building then at your Bakery turning them into buns.
To process a cake, you need to order flour through your plane from the market. The ratio is 1:1 which means that to be able to process one (1) cake; you need to have one (1) bun and one (1) flour. On this challenge, the required numbers of cakes for you to produce are two (2) which doesn’t provide any challenge at all.
The difficulty comes from producing twenty buns and beating the 3:00 minutes time period.
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