Hat Street 3 (5 Peacocks) - 2nd Alternative Method

Friday, June 27, 2014
On Hat Street 3 challenge, your goal is to purchase 5 expensive peacocks. Each Peacock actually cost $70,000 cash which means that you need at least $350,000 cash to buy five of this kind of animal. The question is, ‘Can you do it?’

Of course you can as long as you follow this guide. What you have to do from the start is to sell 2 cows for you to have the budget to purchase water and grow grasses for the remaining animals that you have on your farm.

Pandas are present on this level where you should be thankful of their presence because they provide you an extra income by selling their meats into the market. You should sell the pandas along with the milk that you collect until you are able to earn a total cash of $40,000.

The time that you have achieve $40,000 cash, sell your remaining 8 cows into the market. As you obtain the payment, do not construct any factories yet. Instead, buy your farm a Peacock then at the same time, send your airplane to get you 4 hats and 4 fabrics. Your remaining balance on your account should now have over $10,000 cash left.

After you are able to collect your first Peacock feather, turn it right away into Fans then into Hats and finally into a Dress. Selling your first fabricated dress plus the $10,000 cash allows you to buy another additional Peacock.

At the time that you are able to produce 4 dresses and sold them for profit, it’s time to stop making them where you should directly sell the feathers that you collect into the market. Take note that you should immediately purchase a Peacock each time that you earn a total cash or $70,000.

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