From the previous challenges, the rewards are huge where you will be earning thousands of stars for accomplishing the levels. But on this Hat Street 2 challenge, the reward suddenly goes so low that you can feel the big difference. You might even think that you have clicked the wrong icon from your map but it isn’t. Anyway, you still need to complete this level for you to be able to proceed with the other remaining challenges of the game.
Hat Street 2
Collect one (1) Feathered Carnival Suit
600 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +1000 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (5:45) five minutes and forty-five seconds of your time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +500 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (7:00) seven minutes of your time.
You are given five (5) cows to start on this level of the game. Along with your cows are four structures that has already been setup and they are the Separator, Butter Mill, Hat Studio and Atelier. At the left side of the platform is an empty spot where you can add one more additional structure which is the Cheese factory.
Since you already have five (5) cows mooing around your farm, collect their bottles of milks storing them into your storage warehouse. You need to collect at least five of these items before sending them to be processed on your Separator factory. When it’s done, Sour Creams are produced. The next step is to turn them into butters from your Butter Mill factory then sell them into the market for profit.
Repeat the whole procedures above until you are able to earn enough cash to buy you an Ostrich. When you manage to buy this long-legged animal, you can now collect feathers from it and start producing a fan. To produce a fan, you need to demolish your Separator building and replace it with the Fan factory.
Click on your plane and a list of products will be shown. Order one hat and cloth which are items needed to fabricate the feathered hat and carnival suit.
When your fan is done and you have collected the two items that you ordered, you can now click on your Hat Studio to make the feathered hat. After it’s completed, collect your feathered hat and send it along with the cloth to make the required feathered carnival suit.
Hat Street 2
Collect one (1) Feathered Carnival Suit
600 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +1000 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (5:45) five minutes and forty-five seconds of your time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +500 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (7:00) seven minutes of your time.


You are given five (5) cows to start on this level of the game. Along with your cows are four structures that has already been setup and they are the Separator, Butter Mill, Hat Studio and Atelier. At the left side of the platform is an empty spot where you can add one more additional structure which is the Cheese factory.
Since you already have five (5) cows mooing around your farm, collect their bottles of milks storing them into your storage warehouse. You need to collect at least five of these items before sending them to be processed on your Separator factory. When it’s done, Sour Creams are produced. The next step is to turn them into butters from your Butter Mill factory then sell them into the market for profit.
Repeat the whole procedures above until you are able to earn enough cash to buy you an Ostrich. When you manage to buy this long-legged animal, you can now collect feathers from it and start producing a fan. To produce a fan, you need to demolish your Separator building and replace it with the Fan factory.
Click on your plane and a list of products will be shown. Order one hat and cloth which are items needed to fabricate the feathered hat and carnival suit.
When your fan is done and you have collected the two items that you ordered, you can now click on your Hat Studio to make the feathered hat. After it’s completed, collect your feathered hat and send it along with the cloth to make the required feathered carnival suit.
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