The interesting part of this challenge is earning a total cash worth of $100 000 which seems to be quite impossible. But, this insane amount of earnings can now be achieved with the help of your animals on your farm especially that you now have the Ostrich which provides you its expensive feathers.
Cheese Street 4
Collect forty (40) Butters
Earn $100 000
17000 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +28000 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (7:45) seven minutes and forty-five seconds period of your time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +23000 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (9:00) nine minutes of your time.
You currently do not have any structures setup around your farm and you just have $100 cash on your account. Anyway, you already have three chickens, pigs, cows and one ostrich on your farm to provide you with immediate cash that you need to build your factories.
I’m sorry to say that the chickens are the most useless animal on this level of the game. Get rid of them by selling them directly into the market. As for you pigs, cows and ostrich, pickup their raw products and sell them as well for you initial profit.
Assuming that you have earned enough cash, you have to build your factories that allow you to produce packed bacons and cheeses. You will be earning higher amount of profit by selling these two finished products as compared to the others.
Keep on earning cash by doing the method mentioned above and you have to consider upgrading your structures into their maximum levels. You may also add two additional pigs and one more cow on your farm.
Through selling your packed bacons, cheese and feather, earning $100 000 cash is just a few minutes of your time that you can easily achieve the golden trophy reward.
Cheese Street 4
Collect forty (40) Butters
Earn $100 000
17000 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +28000 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (7:45) seven minutes and forty-five seconds period of your time.
Silver Trophy Reward with +23000 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (9:00) nine minutes of your time.


You currently do not have any structures setup around your farm and you just have $100 cash on your account. Anyway, you already have three chickens, pigs, cows and one ostrich on your farm to provide you with immediate cash that you need to build your factories.
I’m sorry to say that the chickens are the most useless animal on this level of the game. Get rid of them by selling them directly into the market. As for you pigs, cows and ostrich, pickup their raw products and sell them as well for you initial profit.
Assuming that you have earned enough cash, you have to build your factories that allow you to produce packed bacons and cheeses. You will be earning higher amount of profit by selling these two finished products as compared to the others.
Keep on earning cash by doing the method mentioned above and you have to consider upgrading your structures into their maximum levels. You may also add two additional pigs and one more cow on your farm.
Through selling your packed bacons, cheese and feather, earning $100 000 cash is just a few minutes of your time that you can easily achieve the golden trophy reward.
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