Product Street 4
Collect One (1) Cake
Collect One (1) Spicy Bacon
250 Stars
Golden Trophy Reward with +100 bonus stars: Complete Product Street 4 challenge in less than (1:20) one minute and twenty seconds.
Silver Trophy Reward with +50 bonus stars: Complete Product Street 4 challenge in less than (3:00) three minutes.


You have an initial account balance of $1,300 cash on this challenge and you have to spend it wisely. Since you already have the animals on your farm that produces the required raw products for processing Cakes and Spicy bacon, spend your money in building your other structures around. These are your Powder building, Bakery and Confectionery. All of them are level one structure that can only manufacture one item at a time.
When you are done putting-up your factories, send your plane to buy flour to the market. You should also start processing the raw eggs and meat into their corresponding factories to beat the time required with good rewards.
With a total of five chickens, the number of raw eggs that they produce is more than enough of what exactly you need. You have two options whether you want to sell four of your chickens from the start of the challenge or keep them instead and sell their extra eggs for profits.
This is actually an easy challenge which can be completed in just a short amount of time. You just need to be fast to avoid losing seconds of your time and of course it is important that you already know what you have to do next. This means that you already have a plan to carryout. Anyway, everything has already been mentioned on this tip.
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