Your initial capital to deal with this level is worth $1,000. Along with the cash are five (5) chickens and one pig on your farm. There is also one structure that has already been setup which is the Meat Cutter. Around are vacant spots where you can build other factories which are the Powder Building, Bakery, Confectionery and Smokehouse.
Cake Street 5
Collect two (2) Spicy Bacons
Purchase six (6) Chickens
500 Stars
Golden Trophy with +1000 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (2:20) two minutes and twenty seconds.
Silver Trophy with +600 bonus stars: Complete the challenge in less than (4:00) four minutes.


Quickly buy one chicken which completes one of your objectives on purchasing a total of six (6) chickens. There is no longer any need for your chickens on your farm so sell them all to the market earning you a total cash of $300.
As your pig starts to drop its raw meat product, bears will also suddenly attack your farm. Take note that it is very important that you have to protect your one-and-only pig from getting kicked-out. If it happens that your pig has been thrown out by the big brown bears then there is no other choice but to restart the challenge.
Do not upgrade any structures on your farm or buy any other additional animals. We are on a tight budget where your aim is to earn $2,000 cash to setup your Smokehouse.
To beat the time required for the golden trophy reward, always process your pig’s meat at the Meat Cutter factory. You should also catch and store at least one bear on your warehouse. Each time that you have these two types of meat, sell them to the market earning you a profit of $370 cash. Continue generating profit through this process until you are able to earn at least $2,000 cash which allows you to build a Smokehouse. To complete the challenge, send two tenderloins to your Smokehouse one at a time to make the required Spicy Bacon product.
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